This is why I personally LOVE cellular cleansing. The first picture on the left is the "natural" me... I was eating healthy grocery store food and was super active building my house.
But I really didn't like the shape I was in, so I began to really watch what I ate and trained every day for an Ironman Triathlon (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 mile run). With this time and energy consuming commitment, I lost some considerable weight, but really didn't gain much lean muscle. (The middle photo is me coming out of the water after my 2.4 mile swim.)
Six years later my house was built and I lost my desire to race. So my exercise basically consisted of trail running when I was in the mood and walking in the woods with my dogs. I was still eating all my favourite foods and drinking my wine with dinner, but thanks to cellular cleansing supported by proper nutrition, I didn't only have less fat than the "Ironman" version of me, but I had more lean muscle too! This is the updated and now forever "natural" me.